It’s more inconvenient at the turn of the season for Uijeongbu’s sinusitis surgeryHello, I’m a Samsung Dream ear.Recently, the temperature and the temperature of the evening, the temperature of various ears and afternoon temperature is easy to feel inconvenience.Especially, runny nose, runny nose, runny nose, runny nose, runny nose, and sneezing.Usually, I think that the problem with this problem, but if you have to take care of this problem, but if you have to have a patient’s nose.The pus accumulation is called the side nasal cavity inflammation.There are many space in our face, and the nose, and the side of the nose.There are a problem that the inflammation caused by the side nasal cavity or structural problems that bacteria or structural problems.When inflammation occurs during the nose, the nose cavity, the sub nose cavity, the sub nose cavity and causes pushy.The side nose cavity is to discharge the inside of the nose, but the mouth, but the inflammation is not small, and runny nose, and runny nose, and runny nose.As the main symptom of pushy, the nose, the nose leak of the nose, and nose leakage of the nose, and nose, the nose leak of the nose.However, the symptoms of symptoms, the risk of concentration, and ears, and ears are also likely to complicated as bronchitis, such as bronchitis.The doctor is not a doctor who is suspected to help prevent the health of the brain tumor, bone, bone, and the patient who threaten health.Usually, the side nasal cavity inflammation is acute and chronic.In the disease, the acute period of four weeks, it classifies the symptoms that can relax the symptoms of surrounding environment and appropriate drugs.However, if the side nasal cavity inflammation continues to three months or more months, chronic recurrence of asthma costs, and asthma costs.Such chronic pushypertensive surgery is required to use the endoscope to use the endoscope to use the endoscope.First, we will look at the inside skeletal structure and inflammation state of the nose through 3D-CT photographing.Even if the same pushy, the same pushy, the condition of the symptoms of the symptoms and the proper improvement direction of the symptoms and the condition of the condition of the symptoms.Also, the hospitality inspection, and the examination of various items, and inspection, and allergic inspection, and allergic examination, and allergic examination, and allergic examination.According to this examination result, you can improve the improvement direction of medical personnel and improvement direction through a customization treatment.Samsung Dream ear nasal inflammation, is through surgery.To see the inside of the face, match the side of the endoscope, match the side of the endoscope.Such navigation supplication surgery can be found in a third dimension of the operation device, so that the end of the operation device can be removed immediately, so that the pus is eliminated.Therefore, the government department of this hospital is not left outside, and complications, and complications will reduce pain and complications after surgery.It is possible to be able to leave the hospital at the day, so it can be free from the day, so you can easily get free.Also, it is managed by local anesthesia, so you can concentrate on improving process.Even in a process that looks relatively easier than surgery that requires incision or suture, surgery should not be overlooked as it can affect the surgeon’s ability. Our otorhinolaryngologist provides more stable results based on the experience, know-how, and medical knowledge of various cases, including sinusitis surgery.I’m looking at the process of the side nasal cavity inflammation, so please check the money understanding of insurance, so please check the money burden.Finally, the nose is complex structure, and the surgery is a complex structure, and the surgery is the process of the medical staff, and the system of medical staff.The sinusitis surgery that we examined today is a process aimed at recovering health, so you can benefit from the insurance terms and conditions that individuals have subscribed to, so please check in advance and reduce the financial burden.Lastly, as the nose has a more complex structure than it looks and surgery is a more difficult and difficult process, if you are considering improving Uijeongbu sinusitis surgery, please check many parts of the medical staff’s ability, including examination system and follow-up management.Previous image Next imagePrevious image Next imagePrevious image Next image